

Why become a member?

Global Village Yurakucho House is a membership organization based on our slogan "Be global citizens, aim to become global leaders." Apply to become a member, join the community, and start enjoying the various benefits provided.
グローバルビレッジ有楽町ハウスは、「Be global citizens, aim to become global leaders」という活動主旨に基づいた会員組織です。コミュニティに参加し、グローバル・リーダーを目指す仲間と一緒に様々な特典を楽しみましょう。

Membership Benefits

Introducing Our Members

Interview Series: #1
Elliot Conti, General Manager of Global Village Yurakucho House, has a discussion with Student Member Haruyuki Kubo on why he decided to join the Global Village community and his experience thus far.

Membership Categories

  • Membership is reserved for university students (both graduate and undergraduate levels), international students, and young professionals 25 and under.
  • Those who complete the application process and pay the respective membership fees will be recognized as a member and rewarded membership privileges.
  • Fee exemptions can be made for international students and Japanese students with plans to study abroad.
  • Non-students and companies interested in getting involved Global Village can contact us here.

  • 会員の対象は大学生(大学院生を含む)、留学生及び25歳以下の社会人です。
  • 入会金・年会費の支払いを含む入会手続きを完了した方は会員とみなされ、会員特典が付与されます。
  • 交換留学生や留学する予定のある日本人学生について、会費の免除を希望することができます。
  • 参画にご関心のある社会人や企業はこちらよりご連絡ください。