
Our Story

Founded to provide opportunities to build a brighter future for the next generation, the Prometheus Foundation has supported the youth in Japan in various capacities since 2019.
Prometheus, the god of fire in Greek mythology, is famous for stealing fire from the gods and delivering it to humanity in the form of technology and knowledge. In Western society, Prometheus came to represent human striving, particularly the pursuit for knowledge. With this in mind, Einosuke Sumitani founded the Prometheus Foundation in 2019 with the hope of inspiring the next generation in their search for knowledge and new experiences.
ギリシャ神話に登場するプロメテウスは火の神であり、天界の火を盗み、技術及び知識として人類に届けたことで有名です。西洋では、プロメテウスは人類の知識の探求を代表します。この神話を念頭に、2019年に住谷 栄之資は次世代の探求者に「火をつける」ためにプロメテウス財団を設立しました。

The foundation began by providing support for middle school students to research and explore cutting edge topics of their choice. Following that, the foundation shifted its focus to motivating the next generation of entrepreneurs, providing scholarships for middle school and high school students with plans of starting up or collaborating with corporations. 
After the Covid-19 pandemic, the foundation opened Global Village Yurakucho House in October 2023. With the goal of building a community for globally-minded university students and exchange students, Global Village Yurakucho House is a place for students to build relationships across borders, broaden their horizons, and network with companies and professionals alike.
